Indo Greek

Diomedes. AR drachm. Helmeted, diademed, and draped bust right/ The Dioskouroi standing facing, each holding spear and scepter; monogram to inner left. 115-105 BC, MIG-353a, SNG ANS 1230, Bop-9B, Bopearachchi & Rahman 486 var. 2.45g, xf, rare. 21-21012.

Hermaeus & Kalliope. AR drachm. Diademed and draped bust of Hermaios and draped bust of Kalliope conjoined right/ Hermaios on horseback right; monogram below. 105 BC, MIG-408b, Bop-2B. 2.60g, xf, rare. 21-21007.

Antialcidas. AR drachm. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ NIKHΦOPOY/ ANTIAΛKIΔOY B Helmeted, diademed, draped bust right/ Zeus on throne left., forepart of Elephant left. Pushkalavati. 115-95 BC. SNG ANS 1098-103, Bop-13D. 2.46g. xf+. 20-202005.