Alchon Huns

Javukha. AR drachm. King on horseback right; tamgha to left, left, vase symbol to right; “sahi javukha” in Brahmi around/ Fire altar with ribbons; flanked by two attendants. Gandhara, Mid-late 5th cent. GH-117. vf, extremely rare. 16-16074.

Khingila. AR drachm. 430-490 AD. Bust of king right, with long mustache ends downward, wing on shoulders, flower in front/ Fire altar with attendants. Outstanding portrait. GH-52.2, xf, Rare, 3.74g. 16-16006.

Khingila. AV scyphate stater. 430-490 AD. King standing left wearing winged solar crown, cursive Greek legend/ Traces of Siva and bull. Large flan. GH-85.4, ACW-1414, axf, 5.62g. 16-16005.

Khingila. AV scyphate stater. 430-490 AD. King stating facing right, holding trident with curved handle/ Very crude remnants of Siva & bull. GH-84. xf, Rare. 7.44g. 16-16064.

Khingila. AR drachm. 430-490 AD. Bust of Khingika right “Shahi Javuka” in Brahmi/ Fire alter flanked by attendants. GH-50.4. xf. 3.6g. 16-16065.

Khingila. BI drachm. 430-490 AD. King on horseback standing right, tamgha in front/ Uni-face. GH-105.4. axf, 2.54g. 16-16009.

Mehama. AR drachm. Circa 461-493. Diademed and crowned bust right, set on floral design; to left; tamgha to right / Fire altar with ribbons; flanked by two attendants. Kadag(stan). GH-74. vf, 3.40g. 16-16075.

Khingila. “Shahi Mepame”. AR drachm. 430-490 AD. Bust of king to right, tamga in front/ Fire altar with ribbons; flanked by two attendants. GH-74.3. vf, 2.97g. 16-16010.