Nezak Huns

Uncertain Ruler of Zabulistan. AE drachm. Crowned bust right, holding flower in front, a bird flying, facing king. Pahlavi script around margin/ Fire altar flanked by attendants within several layers of circles. Unlisted in Gobl. 2.76g, rare. 16-16039.

Napki Malka. AE drachm. Crowned bust of king right, wearing winged buffalo’s head crown/ Fire altar flanked by attendants; wheel symbols in fields above. 515-560 AD. GH-200. 3.43g, xf. 16-16026.

Shahi Tegin (Sri Shahi). AR drachm. Crowned bust of king right; tamgha/ Fire altar flanked by attendants. 680-738 AD. GH-244, c/m: Göbl, Dokumente KM 103. 3.28g, vf. 16-16078.

Nezak Huns. AR drachm. 515-560 AD. Bust of king to the right, wearing loop type earrings/ Fire altar flanked by attendants. Nice brown patina. GH-226.7, xf, 2.67g. 16-16069.

Nezak Huns. Billon dircham. 5th Cent AD. Bust of king to the right. Moustached wearing large winged headdress, bull's head above crown/ Fire altar flanked attendants. GH-200.3, xf, 3.13g. 16-16071.

Anonymous. AE 1/2 unit. 5th Cent AD. Stylized bust of king right/ Large fire altar. Unlisted in Gobl, xf, 0.58g. 16-16011

Nezak Huns Series. AR drachm. 5th Cent AD. Later Bull Crown type. Bull's head within double trisul headdress, three tamghas around margin/ Fire altar and attendants. Variety of GH-266, xf, 3.88g. 16-16015

Anonymous. Ghazan region. AE Unit. 5th Cent AD. Bust of king right/ Tamgha within double circles, dark patina. GH-231.8, xf, 3.10g. 16-16018

Shri Shahi. AE Drachm. 560-620 AD. Bust of king right, wearing flaming crown; tamgha behind/ Fire altar, attendants flanking; wheel symbols in fields above. GH-225.15, xf, 3.35g. 16-16019

Anonymous. AE 1/2 Unit. 5th Cent AD. Bust of king right, leaf in front pointing upwards/ Fire altar and attendants. High relief. GH-229.1, xf, 2.31g. 16-16020

Napki Malka. AR drachm. 515-560 AD. Crowned bust right. Crown surmounted by winged bull’s head/ Fire altar flanked by two attendants; wheels flanking flames. GH-198.12, xf, 3.25g. 16-16021

Anonymous ("Nezak Shah"). AE drachm. 515-560 AD. Crowned bust right. Crown surmounted by winged bull’s head/ Fire altar flanked by two attendants; wheels flanking flames. GH-198.28, xf, 3.10g. 16-16022

Napki Malka. AR drachm. 515-560 AD. Crowned bust of king right. Crown surmounted by winged bull’s head/ Fire altar; flanked by two attendants; wheels flanking flames. GH-200, xf, 3.55g. 16-16023

Napki Malka. AE drachm. 515-560 AD. Crowned bust of king with bull's head right/ Fire altar; flanked by two attendants; wheels flanking flames. Large flan. GH-205, xf, 3.24g. 16-16024