
Imitation of Peroz. AR drachm. 430-480 AD. Peroz Type. Bust of king to the right. Four dots around margin/ Fire altar flanked by attendants. GH-287.1, xf. 16-16066.

Imitation of Peroz. AR drachm. 485-600 AD. Bust of king right, four dots around margin/ Fire altar and attendants. Imitative of Peroz without Countermarks. GH-287.3, xf, 4.07g. 16-16007.

Khusru II type. AR drachm. 7th Cent AD. Bust of Khusru II right. c/m: small head facing left/ Fire altar flanked by attendants. RD=Ray-33. c/m:GH-67, xf, 3.90g. 17-17001.

Khusru II type. AR drachm. 7th Cent AD. Bust of Khusru II right. c/m: Left 10 o’clock, not listed in Gobl/ Fire altar flanked by attendants. BBH=xxx-29, xf, 4.02g. 17-17002.